Service deployment

How you can access Matilda
Our customer can choose how to take our service (a robot deployment) either purchasing or renting for two or three years.
When designing and deploying, our expert team works closely with you from start to finish to design and deliver designed services that meet your organisation's or customer’s needs. There might be several meetings to understand your requirements and goals.
Our customer can choose to deploy our social robot enabled services by leasing our social robot for two to three years.
We work closely with you from start to finish to design and deliver services that meet your needs.
For each deployment, we will:
understand your customer's social context (e.g. home-based care and residential care)
diagnose and document your (customer's) lifestyle needs so we can design and tailor the appropriate assistive technologies and services to suit their needs. This may involve identifying preventative, proactive and reactive care services
determine the assistive technology deployment period and leasing fee
design and integrate your (customer's) service requirements with assistive technologies, like social robots, tablets and other smart devices as required
deploy the social robot for one-to-one and group interaction as required
collect real-time analytics data to design interventions and personalise the services delivered during the deployment
provide feedback to the carer, family and relatives
We've conducted thirty-five trials in aged care facilities, private homes, disability care contexts, community centres and retirement villages through RECCSI. We’re also conducting them in hospitals and in special education schools. We’ve received international and national recognition for our work in these contexts.
We've deployed services for improving the engagement and emotional well-being of older people, people with dementia and autism and providing respite to their carers. Our services are designed based on our engagement with real-users and in real-life contexts.
These deployments have given us the confidence that our work can bring fun and make a positive difference in the lives of our customers, older and younger people with dementia and autism.
Deployment Process