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  • Residential aged Care 

  • Home-based dementia care 

  • Home-based autism care 

  • Community centre care 

  • Hospital care for people with Younger Onset Dementia (YOD)  

  • Education

About Matilda


Matilda is powered by the PaPeRo I (Partner Personal Robot) and a bespoke software system developed through eight years of research at RECCSI


Matilda can:


  • provide human-like engagement and sensory enrichment (embodied emotive expressions,  voice,  gestures, head movement)

  • interact and stimulate using a person's face and voice as well as smart devices like phone, smart watches, TV, touch panel and FITBITs.

  • provide multilingual lifestyle centred services.

  • preventative and proactive care services (e.g., songs and music, games, news, quizzes, reminders, interactive storytelling, and many more).

  • monitor vital signs and alertness services.

  • provide anytime, anywhere social connectivity  using wi-fi, LAN and smart devices

  • improve family environment and reduce carer burnout.

  • support carers through near real-time monitoring and analytics of persons under their care as well as personalised  interventions.


Read case studies about Matilda


Media and videos

Autism and Intellectual Disabilities  present and past deployment videos (Research)


Home-based Care Setting - SBS Insight


Please move the cursor to the 8.25 min timeline



Aged Care – Past Deployment Videos (Research)

ABC TV - The New Inventors - 'Matilda & Jack'

Matilda and Jack are robots that have had innovative new emotional intelligence recognition software installed in them.


Robots in aged care - ABC 7pm News

Robots in the home to do the housework may still be years away, but they’re already helping out with some senior citizens.



Diversion Therapy Service Videos

Mechanical care - 7 News

A Queensland aged care home is breaking some new ground, trialling the use of emotionally intelligent robots to help look after the patients


Playing Bingo and Providing Diet Recommendations

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